
100% Natural Medicinal Mushroom and Herbal Products

The knowledge of the beneficial effects of medicinal mushrooms on the well being of people is growing every day. We aim to publish first hand information on the research and development of medicinal mushroom products to inform those seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In nature, neither minerals nor vitamins come in synthesized (isolated) form, which is why the products listed on this site contain ONLY 100% NATURAL ingredients, no corners cut. These products adhere to stringent EU principles, and are produced in facilities with the highest pharmaceutical standards. Product development is done by researchers in several Universities in Hungary and Germany, and products are evaluated by nutritional experts and practitioners of both alternative and traditional (western) medicine.
Why extracts? It is best to use only high quality herbal extract products, because herbs in mere powdered form are usually not absorbed sufficiently, and in general, powder capsules or tablets are not potent enough for therapeutic use. In fact, herbal extracts are nothing less, than "the essence of the herbs" they are made from through an expert manufacturing process of removing only the active components from herbs to condense them into herbal extract capsules. When comparing medicinal mushroom products, please check their components and DO NOT confuse “mushroom powder” with “mushroom extract” content!

NB: (Fam - Family, T - Tree, H - Herb, C - Climber, S- shrub)
PlantCommon name / Maturity periodBotanical Name or FamilyParts UsedAverage Price( Rs. / Kg )Medicinal Use
Emblica officinalisAmla ( T )After 4th yearEmblica officinalis
Fam - euphorbiaceac
FruitRs 15 - 45/kgVitamin - C, Cough , Diabetes, cold, Laxativ, hyper acidity.
AshokAshok ( T )10 years onwardSaraca Asoca
Fam : Caesalpinanceac
Bark FlowerDry Bark Rs 125/kgMenstrual Pain, uterine, disorder, Deiabetes.
AswagandhaAswagandha ( H ), One yearWithania Somnifera
Fam: Solanaccac
Root, LeafsRs 140/ KgRestorative Tonic, stress, nerves disorder, aphrodiasiac.
Aegle marmelousBael / Bilva (T)After 4-5 yearAegle marmelous
Fam: Rutaccac
Fruit, BarkFruit - Rs 125 / kg
Pulp - Rs 60 / Kg
Diarrrhoea, Dysentry, Constipation.
Phyllanthous amarusBhumi Amla ( H), with in one yearPhyllanthous amarus
Fam : euphorbiaccac
Whole PlantRs 40 / KgAenimic, jaundice, Dropsy.
Bacopa, MonieriBrahmi ( H ) Indian penny worth/one yearBacopa,Monnieri
Fam: Scrophulariaccac
Whole plantRs 20 per kgNervous, Memory enhancer,mental disorder.
ChiraitaChiraita ( high altituted) with in one year ( H )Swertia Chiraita
Fam : Gentianaccac
Whole PlantRs 300-350 / per kgSkin Desease, Burning, censation, fever.
GudmarGudmar / madhunasini, after Four year ( C )Gymnema Sylvestre
Fam: Asclepiadaccac
LeavesRs 50 -75 per kgDiabetes, hydrocil, Asthama.
GuggulGuggul ( T)after 8 yearsCommiphora Wightii
Fam: burseraccac
Gum rasineRs 80 - 100 per kgRheuma tised, arthritis, paralysis, laxative.
Tinospora CordifoliaFamGuluchi / Giloe ( C )With in one yearTinospora CordifoliaFamStemRs 20 - 25 per kgGout, Pile, general debility, fever, Jaundice.
Gloriosa superbaCalihari / panchanguliaGlori Lily Five yearsGloriosa superba
Fam: Liliaccac
Seed, tuberRs 60Skin Desease, Labour pain, Abortion, General debility.
KalmeghKalmegh/ Bhui neem ( H ) with in one yearAndrographis PaniculataFam : scanthaccacWhole PlantRs 12 - 20Fever, weekness, release of gas.
Peeper longumLong peeper / Pippali ( C ) after two to three yearsPeeper longum
Fam : Piperaccac
Fruit, RootRs 100 - 150 per kg
Root - 150 per kg
Appetizer, enlarged spleen , Bronchities, Cold, antidote.
MakoiMakoi ( H )Kakamachi/ With in one yearSolanum nigrum
Fam: Solanaccac
Fruit/whole plantRs 40 per kg
Seed - 200 per kg
Dropsy, General debility,Diuretic, anti dysenteric.
Coleus barbatusPashan Bheda / Pathar Chur ( H )One yearColeus barbatus
Fam : Lamiaccac
RootRs 40-50 per kgKidny stone, Calculus.
Santalum AlbumSandal Wood ( T )Thirty years onwardSantalum Album
Fam: santalinaccac
Heart wood , oilRs 350 per kgSkin disorder, Burning, sensation, Jaundice, Cough.
Sarpa GandhaSarpa Gandha ( H )After 2 yearRanwolfia Serpentina
Fam: apocynaccac
RootRoot - Rs 60 per kg
Seed - Rs 300 per kg
Hyper tension, insomnia.
Asparagus RacemosusSatavari ( C )After 2-3 yearAsparagus Racemosus
Family: liliaccac
Tuber, rootRs 20 -50 per kgEnhance lactation, general weekness, fatigue, cough.
SennaSenna ( S )With in 1 yearCasia augustifolia
Fam: Liliaceae
Dry TubersRs 500/kg seed
Rs1200/kg dry
Rheumatism, general debility tonic, aphrodisiac.
Ocimum sanclumTulsi (perennial) Each 3 monthsOcimum sanclum
Fam: Lamiaccac
Leaves/SeedLeaves Rs 10/kgCough, Cold, bronchitis,expectorand.
Vai VidankaVai Vidanka ( C ), 2nd year onwardEmbelia Ribes
Fam: Myrsinaccac
Root, Fruit, LeavesRs 40-50 per kgSkin disease, Snake Bite, Helminthiasis.
Mentha pipertiaPippermint ( h) PerennialMentha pipertia
Leaves, Flower, Oil-Digestive, Pain killer.
Lawsennia iermisHenna/Mehdi ( S ) 1/25 yearsLawsennia iermis
Fam: lytharaceae
Leaf,Flower, SeedL - 50 /kgPowder-Rs75 perkgBurning, Steam, Anti Imflamatary.
Aloe VerraGritkumari ( H) 2nd-5th yrAloe Verra
Fam: Liliaceae
LeavesFresh L- Rs 5 kgJuice 90 Per KgLaxative, Wound healing, Skin burns & care,Ulcer.
Vincea roseaSada Bahar ( H ) Periwinkle/NyantaraVincea rosea/ catharanthusRoseus
Fam :apocyanace
Whole PlantR-Rs50 per kgL- Rs 25S- Rs 10 kgLeaukamia, Hypotensiv, Antispasmodic , Atidot.
Eclipta albaVringraj ( H )Eclipta alba
Fam: Compositae
Seed/wholePowder-Rs 60/kgAnti-inflamatory, Digestive, hairtonic.
Plumbago ZeylanicaSwet chitrak
Perennial ( h )
Plumbago Zeylanica
Fam: Plumbaginaceae
Root, Rootbar-Appetiser, Antibacterial, Aticacer.
Plumbago IndicaRakta Chitrak ( H )Plumbago Indica
Fam : plumbaginaceae
Root, Root bar-Indyspeipsia, colic, imflammation, cough.
Strychinos nuxvomicaKochila ( T )15 yrsStrychinos nuxvomica
Fam: loganiaceae
Seed-Nervous, Paralysis, healing wound.
Terminalia ChebulaHarida ( T )Terminalia Chebula
Fam: Combretaceae
SeedRs. 80 per K
Trifala, wound ulcer, leprosy, inflammation, Cough.
Terminalia BellericaBahada (T)TerminaliaBellerica
Seed, BarkFruit - Rs 20/k
Powder- Rs 100/k
Cough, Insomnia, Dropsy, Vomiting, Ulcer, Trifala.
Tribulus TerrestrisGokhur ( H ) CrawlingPuncture Vine/1 yrTribulus Terrestris
Fam: Lygophyllaceae
Whole PlantPlant-Rs 10/K
Fruit -Rs 15/k
Sweet cooling, Aphrodisiac, appetizer, Digestive, Urinary.
Azardirchata – indicaNeem ( T )Azardirchata - indica
Fam : Mahaceae
RhizomeRs 45/kSdedative, analgesic, epilepsy, hypertensive.
Hemibi smus IndicusAnantamool/sariva ( S )Indian Sarap sarillaHemibi smus Indicus
Fam: Asclepiadaceae
Root/ LeafRs 45/k root
Rs 90/kPowder
Appetiser, Carminative, aphrodisiac, Astringent.
Acorus CalamusBach ( H )
Sweet Flag/1 yr
Acorus Calamus
Fam : araceae
RhizomeRs 45/KSdedative, analgesic, tpilepsy, hypertensive.
Adhatoda vesicaVasa ( S )Adhatoda vesica
Fam : Sacanthaceae
Whole PlantLeaf - Rs 25/ kAntispasmodic, respiratory, Stimulant.
Mesua FerreaNageswar ( T ) Nag ChampaMesua Ferrea
Fam : Guttiferae
Bark, Leaf, FlowerFlower - Rs 120/k
Powder Rs 175/k
Asthma, Skin, Burning, Vomiting, Dysentry, Piles.
Vetiveria ZiziinoidesBenachar ( S ) Khus/khusVetiveria Ziziinoides
Fam : Toaceae / Graminae
RootFlower - Rs 120/k
Powder Rs 175/k
Hyperdisia, Burning, ulcer, Skin, Vomiting.
Centella asiaticaMandukparni ( H )
Centella asiatica
Fam : Umdelliferae
Whole plant-Antiinflamatory, Jundice, Diuretic, Diarrhoea.
Mucuna TruriensKaincha/CreeperBaidankaMucuna Truriens
Fam : Fabaceae
Root, Hair, Seed, Leaf-Nervous, Disorder, Constipation, Nephroaphy, Strangury, Dropsy.
Cinnamomum ZeylanicumDalchini
Perenial Shrub
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
Fam : Lauraceae
Bark, Oil-Bronchitis, Asthma, Cardiac, Disorder, Fever.
Holarrhena antidysentericaKurai ( S )Holorheena antidysentrica
Bark, Seed-Scabies, Antipyretic, Amoibic dysentery.
Solanum XanthocarpumKantakari / AkrantiPerennial ( H )Solanum Xanthocarpum
Fam : Solanaceae
Whole Plant, Fruit, Seed-Diuretic, Antiinflamatory, Appetiser, Stomachic.

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